Many people with toenail fungus will do anything in their power to disguise it. Toenails that have been affected by the fungus are quite an unpleasant sight; they are yellow, discoloured and jagged. If you’ve been affected by toenail fungus, there are various methods you can use to treat the condition. Laser treatment, creams and oral medications […]
Reducing Toenail Fungus in 3 Days. 4 Emergency Tactics
Are you in search of a relatively quick and easy method to get rid of toenail fungus or Onychomycosis? If so, you’re not alone. It is a fairly common condition that, surprisingly, can go undetected for several months. There are things you can do to lessen the severity of the problem. These things won’t completely clear up toenail […]
3 Scary Myths About Laser Treatment. EXPOSED
Laser treatment is widely associated with eye correction, but has been used for over 20 years. Using lasers on humans started as a hair-regrowth solution and now is used for a variety of operations and cosmetic purposes. Although laser treatment used to be very expensive, the cost has gone down quite a bit thanks to advances in […]
What Are The Implications Of Not Getting Your Toenail Fungus Treated Right Away
Unfortunately, there are consequences of not getting toenail fungus treatment as soon as you realize that you have fungal infection. The severity of these consequences typically depend on your overall health and lifestyle. Fungal infection of the nail is very common. Statistics indicate that one out of four people deal with the condition at some point in their […]
Shocking Statistics About Toenail Fungus
Did you know that 2%-18% of the world’s population has been affected by toenail fungus? Research has shown that 25% of the adult population is likely to suffer from toenail fungus before they attain the age of 40. It is more common than the finger nail fungus because fungi flourish in a dark and warm […]
How to Properly Store Your Shoes for Winter to Avoid Toenail Fungus
Toenail fungal infections are unsightly and undermine your health and your self-confidence. Many people go through costly and potentially harmful treatments trying to eliminate the fungus. However, they almost always seem to overlook one key cause of toenail fungus: their shoes. People are now pulling out their favorite summer shoes without realizing they’re simply strapping […]
Which Professions Are The Most Exposed to Toenail Fungus
Toenail fungus is something most people don’t like to think about, let alone deal with. But it is something that can happen, and some people seem to face it far more than others. The reason may very well be their job. With some professions toenail fungus is an occupational hazard. Those who work in those […]
7 Foot Exercises to Improve Blood Circulation
Poor circulation and aging are two of the most common risk factors for toenail fungus and foot related ailments. There is nothing you can do about your age. But there are exercises you can incorporate into your daily life which reduce the effects of aging. This will greatly improve blood circulation to your feet as […]
Toenail Fungus? Why You Need to Contact Your Doctor RIGHT NOW
Toenail fungus. It’s not exactly the most glamorous of topics, or one people particularly want to talk about. We’d all rather pretend something like this doesn’t exist and that it will go away in its own time. But the truth is toenail fungus can develop into an uncomfortable or painful problem. It’s important to get […]
You’re Not Alone: Psychological Effects of Toenail Fungus
When nail fungus has infected one or more toenails, it causes a hot of physics symptoms and problems. However, there are also psychological problems that are causes by this condition. The psychological effects can be severe enough to interfere with the patient’s enjoyment of life. One of the most common psychological effects is that they […]