Toenail fungus creates small yellow or white spots underneath the nails. This type of infection can be caused by mold, yeast, or fungi. Eventually, the fungus causes the nails to become brittle, discoloured, and finally fall off. Here is a complete guide to toenail fungus development. How Did I Get It? It’s simple, fungus infections […]
Bleach Pen Cure for Toenail Fungus — What You Should Know
Toenail fungus is a real issue that plagues many people every day, though a toenail fungus bleach pen may be the answer. Fungus is characterized by dark, discolored toenails that are brittle. Due to this, people with this find it embarrassing to have their feet exposed. The good news is that a bleach pen may […]
The Latest and Most Effective Cures for Toenail Fungus
A toenail fungal infection may start out with tiny yellow or white spots under the nail, and your only concern may be about how it appears when you happen to glance at your feet. The truth is that a case of nail fungus may spread quickly, and an untreated case may lead to pain, further […]
The Effectiveness of Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus
Doctors are increasingly offering a convenient laser treatment for toenail fungus. The laser is used to remove a common fungus from toenails, known as Onychomycosis, that causes discoloration or negative cosmetic characteristics in toenails. The question that most people ask themselves is, how effective is laser treatment for toenail fungus? Effectiveness of Laser Treatment For […]
Choosing between Natural and Medicated Toenail Fungus Cures
Toenail fungal infections are some of the nail diseases and disorders that affect a majority of people. Today, thousands of people report toenail fungus infections. The problem begins with dermatophytes, which affects the lower layer of the toenail. This can also create a cavity on the sides of the nail. The infection spreads by eating […]
Why is Laser Treatment the Best for Toenail Fungus Removal?
You may have heard about laser treatment for toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is a very common problem. You may develop it even if you are a very hygienic person. Your shoes and socks trap moisture, and moisture encourages the growth of fungus. Fortunately, toenail fungus does not have to ruin your life because there are […]
Foot Fungus Treatment For Kids
Commonly known as athlete’s foot, foot fungus can infect anyone at any age. Though it is more prevalent in adults and teenagers, children can develop this rash on their feet as well. Health issues with your children’s feet can be caused by any number of reasons, so be sure to speak with your pediatrician before […]
Five Terrific Foot Care Products That Relieve Aches and Pains
Most of us tend to neglect our feet even though they are need of care, but the right type of foot care products make it easy to find relief. Even though we walk on our feet each day and sometimes stand for long periods, we rarely give our feet the proper care they deserve. While […]
Understanding Melaleuca Alternifolia Toenail Fungus
Melaleuca alternifolia toenail fungus is a condition that is fairly common. In fact, it is estimated that over 70% of people in America will develop toenail fungus at least once by the age of 70. Yellowing, swelling and thickening of the nails are some of the possible symptoms of this condition. This illness can be […]
Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment After Care
Choosing the right treatment for toenail fungus is a tough decision. However, the professional at Clear Toe Clinic will take you through some of the available treatments, especially laser treatment. Our clinicians have surgically training as well as the skills to perform a series of diagnosis to determine the extent of our patients condition. Although several […]