Nail fungus makes up at about 50% of all nail abnormalities. Clinically named, onychomycosis, it infects the nail and nail bed, causing a wide variety of changes in toenails a well as fingernails. Initially, the location of the infection made treatment very difficult, however, nail fungus laser treatment has made it safer and faster. There […]
The Best Toenail Fungus Treatment Option
Toenail fungus is one of the most common fungal infections throughout the world, with an estimated 12 % of the population infected. Over the years there have been various ways to treat the infection. Most people go for natural remedies while others go for prescription drugs. Both might cure the infection but none can be […]
How Does Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment Work
When you first hear the term “laser treatment,” the first question that comes into your mind is, how does laser toenail fungus treatment work. Well, it is a popular infection that affects a lot of people. The fungus that causes the infection thrives well in a damp and warm environment. Actually, the feet enclosed in […]
If You Don’t Treat Toenail Fungus Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later
One of the biggest mistakes people make is ignoring the initial signs of illness. They see them as minor inconveniences that will probably pass in due time. They are other pressing concerns to think about. Yet ignoring the problem does not make it go away. The issue will not resolve itself while attention is focused […]
Why You Should Never Walk Barefoot, Especially in Public Places
The main risks of walking barefoot in public places are to your health, and it is not just the health of your feet that is at risk. Broken glass, nails, and stubbed toes are all potential hazards, but the worst and most likely sources of risk from not wearing footwear are communicable diseases that are […]
Ingrown Toenail Treatment Options
Anybody who has an ingrown toenail should seek treatment as soon as possible. Treating this condition will save you a lot of discomfort and embarrassment. There are currently two types of treatment available – home remedies and medicinal treatment. Ingrown Toenail Treatment Options: Home Remedies There are a few reasons that consumers may want to […]
7 Proven Ways to Avoid Toenail Fungus
The fungus that causes common toenail infection can be found everywhere. It is out there just waiting to latch onto anyone given half the chance and it will be incredibly hard to get rid of once it has settled. People need months of treatment to break free of it. Spare yourself the nightmare of constant […]
See How Easily You Can Cure Nail Fungus Infections
Nail fungus infection, medically identified as onychomycosis, is a fungal disease that infects toenails or fingernails. The condition is caused by yeasts, moulds and dematophytes that lead to gradual damage of the nail plate. If the infections become more severe, they cause the nails to thicken, become brittle, turn whitish or even detach themselves from […]
Top 5 Toenail Care Tips for Diabetes
If you have diabetes, toenail care for diabetes should form a vital part of your daily foot care regime. Whether you have type I or type II diabetes, you will be more prone to foot problems than the rest of the population. This is because prolonged high blood sugars can cause impaired circulation and decreased […]
How do People Get Toenail Fungus
Toenail fungus refers to an infection of the toenails caused by a fungus. Mold and yeast can also cause this infection. Fungi, unlike other organisms, survive in dark, warm and moist places devoid of the Sun, such as water sources and inside shoes. Fungus can proof stubborn to kill. Effective ways of avoiding fungus and […]