Little Known Causes of Toenail Pain

When you have pain anywhere on your feet it becomes such a struggle to do most of your daily tasks. One of the most common problems that most people complain about is toenail pain. If you have been experiencing this condition on and off for several months now, it is probably wise for you to start learning about it and finding out what causes it in the first place.

What Are The Causes of Toenail Pain?

Pain in the toes is quite common among a lot of people for the mere reason that the feet are the most used and abused part of one’s body. You use your feet for walking and moving around on a daily basis. What actually leads to toenail pain?

Wearing The Wrong Kind Of Shoes

Sometimes women like to think that they can sacrifice comfort for fashion. Little do they know that there are health risks that they will be involved in wearing the wrong kind of foot wear. If you wear shoes that have too narrow toe boxes, you are causing unnecessary pressure on your toes. The narrow shape of your shoes will impinge on your toes and cause strain, pain and discomfort to the rest of your feet.

Having an Ingrown Toenail

An ingrown toenail results when you use a rounded edge when clipping the nail on the big toe. Because of this, the nail becomes embedded into the skin that surrounds it causing you so much pain. Wearing shoes that are too tight or too narrow can further worsen this problem.

Toenail Fungus

The reason why toenail fungus grows in your toes is because of the moisture that builds inside your shoes. This happens to a lot of athletes who have to train or perform in wet conditions and to those whose feet sweat a lot. The fungal growth usually occurs between the toes causing your toenails to become thick and crumbly. Most of the time, it causes you mild to severe pain. The best way to get rid of toenail fungus is through the use of laser therapy.

Foot Injuries

This occurs to many runners and athletes. When they have been running for too long or training too much, they experience something called a dead toenail. When you accidentally drop something heavy on your feet you will end up bruising your toes. In a lot of cases, the nail becomes loose and sometimes hangs off the nail bed.

Toenail pain can sometimes be cured by over the counter drugs or by using tried and tested home remedies. If the pain has been persisting for several days, it would be best for you to consult a medical expert.


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