Yellow Toenails Aren’t the End of the World

If you recently caught a glimpse of your feet and were shocked at the sight of yellow toenails, take action right away. Yellowing toenails may be caused by a fungus. In this case, you must treat the problem before it leads to further deterioration of your nail. There are several treatments available to you, although you may wish to consult a doctor before choosing one.

Main Cause of Yellow Toenails

According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, nail fungus is the usual culprit behind unsightly yellowed nails. There are, however, other possible causes of this condition, including lymphedema, diabetes mellitus, and excess fluid in the legs. Then again, the reason behind your yellowing toenails could be as simple as staining from old nail polish. You should consult a physician to determine the cause of your discoloration, so you can take the appropriate action.

Causes of Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is usually caused by feet coming in contact with less-than-sanitary conditions. According to the Mayo Clinic, these conditions include being barefoot in high-traffic places like fitness centers, pools, or locker-room showers. Be sure to thoroughly dry your shoes after coming in contact with moisture and dry your feet after you shower because toenail fungus thrives in warm and moist conditions. You may first notice toenail fungus as merely a yellow or white spot, so be vigilant in checking your toes.

Prescription Treatments

Your local drug store can be a treasure trove in procuring the items needed to treat your yellow nails. Try an anti-fungal cream or lacquer designed to combat nail yellowing. If over-the-counter remedies don’t produce results, consult your physician. Particularly severe cases of nail fungus may require prescription-strength antibiotics, such as terbinafine or itraconazole. You will want to exhaust all possibilities because, in the worst-case scenario, your nail would require surgical removal.

Home Remedies

Not everyone has medical insurance or the money to spend on expensive creams. Fortunately, there are a few simple home remedies the Mayo Clinic notes has had varied success. Try mixing a solution of 2/3 water with 1/3 vinegar, then soak your tired toes sporting yellowed toenails in it for 20 to 30 minutes before thoroughly drying them off with a clean, dry towel. Also, some people have reported improvement when periodically rubbing a vapor rub on their toenails, although there is no consensus on how much or how often to use it.

Preventing Yellow Toenails

Let’s face it. No one wants to have discolored nails, so, even if you don’t suffer from this malady, you should practice good prevention. Avoid walking barefoot in public areas, always dry your feet after showering, periodically spray the insides of your shoes with an anti-fungal spray, and regularly clip your nails. All of these methods, according to experts, will prevent nail fungus from taking root and causing yellow toenails.


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