Fungal Nail Infections Are Best Avoided with the Proper Hygiene and Care

Yellow and brittle nails are sure signs of fungal nail infections. People with such nails find it embarrassing, while the affected person may get disgusted with the affliction.

Various forms of bacteria and fungus are hosted by human bodies. Nail infection is caused by fungus that grows rapidly on the part of the nail that overhangs the toe. This fungus then migrates from its original site to the cuticle. First signs of such infections can be noticed when the shape of the nail undergoes a change, starts crumbling or becomes brittle, and further leads to thickening and discoloration of the affected nail.

If left untreated, besides the obvious cosmetic embarrassment, such fungal nail infections can lead to immune deficiency that can then lead to health problems that can be quite serious. The elderly who have diabetes are especially vulnerable to disorders caused by fungal infections. The infection can spread to other members of a family. If the infections spread to internal organs, they can cause problems in the lymphatic systems and blood. Oncology disorders have been traced to such infections.

Toenail Fungus Prevention Tips

Any fungus thrives on moisture and wet conditions, and thus avoidance of such situations is the best way to prevent the formation of fungus. Such conditions are very common in swimming pool locker rooms and other public areas. Keeping nails properly trimmed can also help to deny the fungus the place to grow. Poor hygiene, like dirty socks and not cleaning feet, can result in fungal infections.

Homeopathic Remedies for Toenail Fungus

There are a number of home remedies like the use of vapor rub and vinegar that many people swear by. Some people also use sodium bicarbonate or hydrogen peroxide to treat the infection. The use of these everyday products, to cure the fungal nail infections can help, but the sure fire cure is the use of laser to treat such infections. Laser treatments for toenail fungus are painless and do not take longer than half an hour. The laser beam goes though the nail and attacks the fungus directly.


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