Little Known Toenail Fungus Remedies That Work

A toenail fungus infection, which is also known as onychomycosis, is a very unpleasant condition. It causes toenail discoloration, discharge and awful odor. The good news is that this condition is very treatable. Below are some of the little known toenail fungus remedies that work:

Watcher and Vinegar

Vinegar helps lower the PH of your toenails, which will make it a-lot harder for the fungus to survive. You should mix vinegar with water and soak your feet in it for 30 minutes every day. You may need to do this for three to six months before the infection clears up completely.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is something that you probably already have in your home. You will need to use four cups of warm water, baking soda, a ΒΌ cup of peroxide and a half cup of Epsom salt. You will need to soak the infected toenails in the mixture. This process will need to be repeated every 10 hours for about one month.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is an antiseptic that also has anti-fungal properties. You should pour some tea tree oil on a cotton ball and apply it to your toes. You will also need to use a toothbrush to gently scrub the area. Before you apply the tea tree oil to the infection, you will need to pour a little bit of olive oil in it. Tea tree oil works best on new infections.


Garlic contains allicin. Allicin has anti-fungal properties. For the best results, you should mix garlic oil with white vinegar. You should apply the mixture to your toenails and cover it with an elastic bandage. If you do not have garlic oil, then you should crush two garlic cloves and apply two tablespoons of olive oil. You should let the mixture sit for one full day. Furthermore, you can benefit from eating two garlic cloves every day.

Listerine Mouthwash

You probably already know that Listerine Mouthwash can destroy germs. It can also destroy the germs that cause toenail fungus. You will need to pour some Listerine, lemon juice and vinegar into the tub and allow your feet to soak. You should repeat this for 10 to 15 minutes per day. This process should be repeated until the nail grows out completely.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil has antifungal and antiseptic properties, which is why it can be very effective for getting rid of toenail fungus. You should mix two drops of oregano oil with one teaspoon of olive oil. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to the infected toenails at least once a day.

How We Can Help

Home remedies are great, but they do not work as good as laser treatment. If you want to get laser treatment for toenail fungus, call us at (713) 570-6157 for a free consultation.


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