Is Nail Fungus Hereditary?

hereditary factors

Are You at Risk?

Nail fungus is a condition that primarily affects people who are over the age of 40. However, this condition can develop in younger adults and children. There are several factors that put a person at risk for developing toenail fungus. One of the biggest of those factors is heredity.

If you have a mother, father, aunt or uncle who had toenail fungus, then you will be more likely to develop it yourself. Additionally, other hereditary factors such as diabetes, or other genetic factors that cause immune systems to weaken can make someone more susceptible to nail fungus.

However, it is most important for you to be cognizant of the fact that the lifestyle choices you make will have a bigger impact on whether you get toenail fungus.

How To Prevent Nail Fungus if You Are At Risk

doctor treatment

Preventing nail fungus is a-lot easier than treating it. Below are some of the things that you can do to reduce your chances of developing toenail fungus:

Keep Your Shoes On When You Are In Public – Toenail fungus can very easily spread from person to person. Public places like shower rooms and pools make it even easier for the fungus to spread. Therefore, you should not walk barefooted when you are out in public.

Make Sure That You Go To The Reputable Salon – You could develop nail fungus if you get a pedicure at a place that is unsanitary. That is why you want to make sure that you go to a salon that is reputable. You may also want to consider bringing your own pedicure instruments.

Wear Synthetic Socks – One of the keys to preventing a toenail fungus infection is to keep your feet dry. Cotton and wool socks do not keep your feet as dry as the high quality synthetic ones. You also want to make sure that change your socks frequently. This is especially important if you sweat frequently.

Wear Opened Toe Shoes – Closed toe shoes have a tendency trap moisture. That is why you should try to wear opened-toe shoes whenever you can. If you wear closed toe shoes, then you should take them off as often as you can.

Take Care Of Your Nails – You should make sure that you dry your feet off thoroughly after you bathe. You should also make sure that you keep your nails trimmed.

How Our Clinic Can Help You

Even if you do everything that you are supposed to, you may still develop toenail fungus. Over-the-counter and prescription treatments do not work for everyone, and they may also cause side effects. It is best for you to contact our clinic if you have a toenail fungus infection.

We offer a new laser treatment that has been clinically proven to be effective for clearing up nail fungus infections. In fact, one study showed that 85 percent of people noticed that their infection cleared up after six months.


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