The Pros and Cons of Using Listerine to Cure Toenail Fungus

Many people today want to know about the pros and cons of using Listerine to cure toenail fungus. Listerine is a product that was developed by Dr. Joseph Lister. When it was first introduced in 1879, it was used as a floor cleaner and gonorrhea treatment. It was also used as a surgical antiseptic. Listerine began being used as a mouthwash in the 1970s.

Can Listerine Cure Toenail Fungus

Can Listerine cure toenail fungus? Experts believe that Listerine can work for toenail fungus because it contains an ingredient called thymol. Thymol has antibacterial properties. It also contains salicylate, which encourages the body to shed dead skin cells so that new ones can grow. It is important to note that there are pros and cons that come along with using Listerine. Below are some of those pros and cons:

Pros of Using Listerine to Cure Toenail Fungus

Many experts are of the opinion that Listerine can cure toenail fungus. While it can help with toenail fungus, it also has its pros and cons. Listed below are some of the pros of using Listerine to cure toenail fungus.

Listerine is Inexpensive

Prescription toenail fungus treatments can be quite expensive.  You can get Listerine at your store for less than $10.  Additionally, one bottle of Listerine will last you a long time.

No Serious Side Effects

Topical and oral medications usually come with side effects. Unless you are allergic to it, you will not experience any serious side effects from using Listerine. However, it is important to note that your feet may turn a greenish color temporarily. That will usually go away very quickly.

Easy to Use

Listerine is very easy to use. All you have to do is soak your feet in a tub for 15 to 20 minutes out of the day until your feet heal. After you have finished soaking your feet, you will need to dry them off with a towel.

If you want to increase the effectiveness of Listerine, then you should consider using vinegar with the Listerine. Vinegar is very acidic, and that makes it hard for the fungus to thrive.

Cons of Using Listerine To Cure Toenail Fungus

Some of cons of using Listerine to cure toenail fungus include the following:

May Take a Long Time to Work

Toenail fungus is a condition that can be very difficult to treat. You may have to use Listerine for several months before you notice any improvement. This can be very frustrating.

May Not Work at All

Listerine does not work for everybody. If you have not noticed an improvement after six months, then it is time for you to seek professional treatment. Toenail fungus has a tendency to get worse if it is less untreated.

How We Can Help

Toenail fungus is an embarrassing problem that you should not have to cope with, so you should give us at (713) 570-6157 for a free consultation. We at Cleartoes are the best toenail fungus treatment clinic in Houston. Therefore, you can rest assured that you will be in good hands.


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