Toenail Fungus Prevention for Kids

Toenails fungus prevention for kids is a very important topic. It is estimated that half of people in the world will have a toenail fungus infection by the time that they are 70 years old. Many people who develop toenail fungus infections early in life have trouble getting rid of them. The good news is that there are a number of things you can do to prevent your child from developing a toenail fungus infection.

Toenail Fungus Prevention Tips for Kids

Below are some toenail fungus prevention tips that may prove useful for children:

Prevent Toenail Fungus By Keeping The Feet Dry

A moist environment makes it a lot easier for fungus to grow. That is why you should encourage your children to dry their feet off thoroughly after they take a bath or shower.  You should also make sure that your children change their socks every day.

Do Not Walk Around Barefooted In Public

Fungus is very contagious. Public places, such as swimming pools and gym locker rooms, make it easy for people to contract fungus. You should make sure that your children do not walk around barefooted in any public place.

Prevent Toenail Fungus By Not Sharing Items

Again, toenail fungus can very easily spread from person to person. That is why nail clippers, towels and wash cloths should not be shared.

Keep The Nails Short And Clean

You should make sure that your child’s nails stay short and clean. This will make it harder for fungus to develop.

Change Shoes Frequently

If your children wear the same shoes every day for an extended period of time, then they will be more likely to develop toenail fungus. You should make sure that your children change their shoes frequently. Shoes should be thrown away when they are worn out because wearing worn out shoes can also increase the risk of developing a toenail fungus infection.

Use Anti-Fungal Spray

If your children have developed a toenail fungus infection in the past, then you should consider spraying some anti-fungal powder or spray in their shoes.  This will help reduce the chances of the infection returning.

Wear Sandals When The Weather Is Warm

The feet have a tendency to sweat when the weather is warm. That is why you should let your children wear sandals when the
weather is hot. This allows the feet to breathe.

How We Can Help

If your child still suffers from toenail fungus infections, then you should not hesitate to us at Clear Toes Clinic. We will be more than happy to help your child get rid of the toenail fungus. We offer a laser treatment that has been proven to be safe, effective and pain-free. We will also give you tips so that you can prevent the fungus from returning in the future.


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