Is There An Effective Treatment For Chronic Toenail Fungus?


Chronic toenail fungus causes the toenail to thicken and become very hard and brittle. The thickening of the nail makes it very hard for topical treatments to soak through the nail in order to work.

The Truth About Chronic Toenail Fungus

Unlike a new case of toenail fungus, chronic fungus has seeped deep into the tissues of both the nail and the skin under the nail, making it almost impossible to cure.

Home Treatment With Everyday Ingredients

There are home treatments that may help, but few will actually cure the problem. Before beginning any home treatment, remove any nail polish on the affected nail and file it down as flat as possible without damaging or hurting the skin under it; leave a thin layer of nail to protect your toe. A basic home remedy is to soak your affected foot/nail, twice a day in either vinegar or antiseptic mouthwash. This should be done daily for at least three months. If this treatment does not cure the fungal infection, it should at least cut it back.

Over the Counter Treatments

There are over the counter treatments that can also help. Look for treatments that have a high percentage of undecylenic acid, which is an antifungal agent, Tea Tree Oil which also helps to kill fungus and other essential oils to help soften the nail so that the treatment can actually reach the fungus. Again, you will need to do these treatments for several months and they may or may not work, but you should be able to tell in three to six months as the new nail grows.

Visit Your Physician

You can go to your physician and he or she will prescribe both an oral medication and an antifungal cream or other topical treatment that contains undecylenic acid. If your physician prescribes an oral medication, it should cure the fungus if used in conjunction with the topical treatment. You will have to undergo frequent blood tests throughout the treatment because most oral antifungal treatments can potentially cause liver damage or kidney failure. They can also kill off some of the naturally occurring bacteria in your digestive system causing you diarrhea or other digestive problems.

Laser Treatment for Chronic Toenail Fungus

There is a new laser treatment now available that is relatively painless and works almost immediately. It is available at Clear Toes Clinic in Houston, Texas.  A single treatment takes a total of 30 minutes and it will kill the fungus that has been bothering you. Once the nail grows out, you will see that the fungus is gone and the nail will appear healthy, sometimes for the first time in years. The best thing about this treatment is that it is quick and there are no dangerous side effects to deal with and no messy or smelly daily home treatments to perform.

Laser Treatment at Clear Toes Clinic

At Clear Toes Clinic, we can cure your chronic nail fungus in one quick treatment. We will then show you how to make sure the fungus never returns. We will gladly explain all of your options and answer any questions you may have. At Clear Toes Clinic, we want to see you clear away that chronic toe nail fungus and like your feet again.


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