This illness is one of the few diseases which are present in the nails.

Is Toenail Fungus Contagious?

is toenail fungus contagiousPeople with nail fungus may be asking themselves the question “is toenail fungus contagious?”. The short answer to this question is Yes. Those who are plagued by this problem need to get treatment for their condition. This will prevent them from losing their nails and passing the infection on to others.

Why is Toenail Fungus Contagious?

This illness is one of the few diseases which are present in the nails. It is caused by tiny micro-organisms which do not need the sunlight to survive. These organisms can be transferred from one person to another in public places.

For example, if a person is walking around in a locker room, he or she may leave some organisms in their trail. If another person steps on them, the organisms may make their way on to their nails. This may lead to a fungal infection.

Is Toenail Fungus Contagious?: The Symptoms of Nail Fungus

Anyone who suspects they have something wrong with their toenails should see a doctor to get a diagnosis. Generally those who notice the signs of this fungus will need to get some kind of treatment. Nails that are yellow, green, crusty or bumpy may be infected.

How to Prevent Spreading Nail Fungus

Those who have a fungal infection in their toenails should do their best to protect their friends and family from catching the condition. Listed below are some steps suffers can take to prevent the fungus being passed on to others.

  • Stay away from public facilities such as swimming pools.
  • Wear protective footwear at the gym.
  • Do not use public showers.
  • Refrain from getting manicures and pedicures.
  • Do not share shoes with others.
  • Avoid walking barefoot in public places.
  • Get treatment.

Is Toenail Fungus Contagious?: How to Treat Toenail Fungal Problems

The first step in treating fungal infections is seeing a medical professional. A doctor will be able to tell their patient exactly what is wrong with their nails. If it is a fungal issue, the doctor may recommend toenail fungus cream. Like home remedies, these creams will take some time to work. Most sufferers often find that it is months before they see an improvements in their toenails.

Those who want more immediate results should consider laser treatment, due to it being more effective than its alternatives. Sufferers who are wondering “is toenail fungus contagious” should be aware the answer is yes and they will need immediate treatment.

If you are suffering from a nail fungal infection, you should contact us for a quote on laser treatment. Our staff will assess the severity of your fungal infection and suggest some suitable treatment options.


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