How Do I Know If I Have Toenail Fungus?

cleartoesclinic-toenail fungus laser treatmentToenail diseases and disorders can often be recognized by sight. Black toenails, thick yellow toenails, and toenails that are misshapen and abnormally textured are visual cues that indicate fungus is present. Online websites such as Pinterest are a great source to visit if you want to compare your toenails with confirmed cases of toenail fungus.

Infected toenails are unattractive and can be painful. Toenail fungus removal by laser can help clear up these problems and make your nails look healthy, clear and ready for open-toed shoes and sandals.

How Do I Treat Toenail Fungus?

Dealing with a toenail fungus infection can be painful, embarrassing and chronic. People with fungus of the toenail often shy away from wearing sandals or open-toed shoes, or walking barefoot, because their nails look thick, yellow, or otherwise diseased and discolored. Toenail fungus grows deep inside the nail matrix and can take years to treat.

What’s worse is that often, even after years of conscientious treatment, the toenail fungus remains and seem impervious to treatment. The best way to make sure your toenail fungus is permanently removed is with lasers. High tech lasers can reach deep within the nail bed and eradicate your fungus leaving you with clear, healthy nails. If you have fungus in your toenails, finding the right laser clinic can help you eliminate your fungus and reclaim healthy nails.

How Do Lasers Remove Toenail Fungus?

Laser treatment for toenail fungus works by forcing high frequency wavelengths via a laser deep into the nail bed. The laser is focused so that diseased cells are eradicated while healthy cells are not harmed. For a brief fraction of a second, the laser emits a high heat that breaks down the infection. As the laser is passed over the nail and the nail matrix, the toenail fungus removal process takes place while all you feel is a sensation of warmth.

Not only is the toenail fungus removal by laser process pain-free, it is safe. The Federal Drug Administration has approved the use of lasers for fungus removal and the light emitted is similar to natural light. Providing a safe, fast and effective procedure, lasers are the most high tech and best way to make sure your fungus is completely and totally removed.


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