Athlete’s foot is a contagious fungal infection that causes flaking, scaling and itchiness of the affected areas. It is caused by microorganisms that are a normal part of your skin, but can grow out of control in damp, enclosed spaces such as your feet. You may have it for a while before you even realize the seriousness of the condition. Even after treatment, the fungus can reappear; therefore, it would be advisable to take preventive measures.
Symptoms of Athlete’s Foot
The first symptoms of athlete’s foot are so common that you might not connect them with a condition that should be treated. These signs include:
- Itchy, burning skin between your toes
- Cracking and peeling skin between your toes and on the side
- Itchy blisters that ooze and scab
- Thick, discolored, toenails
You will not necessarily have all these symptoms. However, if any of these signs persist, you should see your doctor. This is especially important if you have diabetes.
Your physician can easily diagnose this condition by looking at it. There are tests, however, that can help him or her determine the extent of a serious case. These tests include taking skin cultures and conducting a biopsy of lesions.
How to Treat Athlete’s Foot
A mild case of athlete’s foot that is identified early can often be treated with an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream or powder recommended by your doctor. He or she will also caution you to keep your feet clean and dry, and to wear cotton socks that are changed at least daily. This usually clears up the condition in two to three weeks.
If your case persists or is serious, you will probably need a more powerful prescription cream or oral medication. Sometimes, a bacterial infection also develops at the site of the fungal growth. In such cases, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. If you are unfortunate enough to have recurring bouts of this fungal infection, your doctor might even prescribe preventive medication.
Is Toenail Fungus Related to Athlete’s Foot?
While also a fungal infection, and often born from the same conditions, toenail fungus is a different affliction with different symptoms and treatment. If you suffer from toenail fungus, there is a very simple and effective remedy: laser treatment. While topical creams and home remedies are also popular, one quick painless laser treatment can effectively cure toenail fungus.
Once you have dealt with a case of athlete’s foot, you will realize the full benefit of taking preventive steps. Remember that this fungus thrives in moist, enclosed spaces. These tips are focused on eliminating that situation:
- Keep your feet clean
- Dry your feet thoroughly after a shower or swim, especially between your toes
- Use footwear at public pools or showers
- Change your socks at least daily to keep your feet dry
- Wear well ventilated shoes, remembering that natural materials such as leather allow the air to circulate
Be vigilant and do not disregard the first signs of problems. Athlete’s foot is a common infection but that does not mean it should be treated lightly. Treat it promptly and you will escape the worse of its effects.