The issue of toenail fungus may be embarrassing for many to admit but it still remains a highly treatable condition. The fact is that many suffer unnecessarily with this affliction due to the taboo surrounding this very common problem.
Celebrities Get Toenail Fungus — Just Like Us!

Celebrities are certainly not immune to the woes associated with toenail fungus neither. Recently Madonna was outed by the press after pics of her in “peep-toe” shoes revealed possible fungal feet. Robert Pattison was reported to have been on the set of ‘Twilight’ with a case of fungi (as if being a vampire wasn’t scary enough). Even former American Idol judge Paula Abdul was reported to have a past with toe fungus after an episode with poorly sterilized equipment at a nail salon. And the list goes on; toenail fungus has certainly shown that it does not discriminate.

So, What Can Be Done?
The simple fact is that toe nail fungus is a reality of life and the only true way to get back onto happier footing is to get educated on its remedies. Through laser treatment for toenail fungus, the probability of effective removal to the affected area grows exponentially and more importantly reduces the likelihood of reoccurrence. If you suffer from this condition at least you can rest assured that you are not alone.