The Wayne County Journal-Banner recently posted a great article that discusses the constant wear and tear that your feet suffer daily, and offers some suggestions for healthier feet that look and feel better.
The suggestions are as follows:
Maintain Proper Foot Hygiene
It is important to thoroughly wash your feet every day, remembering to pay attention to the nails and between the toes. Clip toenails straight across and keep them smooth with an emery board. Lotion the tops and bottoms but not between the toes.
Fight Nail Fungus
Dr. Kinsinger, M.D. developed an interesting product to battle nail fungus called Dr. Paul’s Piggy Paste. A small amount applied to the base of the nail and covered with a bandage every day will cause the new nail to come out healthy until it has entirely replaced the old fungus ridden nail.
Depending on how quickly the new nails can grow out, this process can take three to nine months. There is a much more efficient solution (one painless treatment session), which Clear Toes Clinic can provide: effective laser treatment for toenail fungus.
Eliminate Corns and Calluses
A pumice stone is more effective and safer than sharp tools to remove corns and calluses. If the corns and calluses are large, The American Podiatric Medical Association is a good start for finding a podiatrist to help you with the problem.
Wear Shoes that Fit Properly
Shoes and socks support and protect our feet. If either is too tight they cannot do their job. Make sure they fit properly and try them out for a while at home before you make a final decision about your purchase.
Check your Shoe’s Soles
A good sole will be thick enough to cushion the foot and bend at the ball of the foot. A textured, non slip sole, perhaps rubber, is a good choice.
Attention to these main ideas for proper foot health will help keep your feet pain-free and attractive.