Children go through a rapid development from the day they are born to the time they become active toddlers. Caring for your child’s feet is essential to avoid injuries and allow them to develop normally. This will also ensure that your child will be able to lead an active lifestyle in the future.
Healthy Feet
Regular inspection is crucial for early detection of any potential problems, some of which are discussed below. Buy pairs of sock that are soft and comfortable for them to wear. The toes should be able to move around freely. Always check the fit to see if the socks aren’t being too restrictive. When it isn’t too cold, let the baby spend some time with bare feet and try to tickle to promote muscle movement.
First Shoes
It is beneficial for toddlers to walk without shoes initially to allow natural development. Just be sure that the surface is smooth and not very hard. When they begin to exhibit confidence, then they can wear shoes to walk outside the house.
Shoes for toddlers should be flexible, soft, cushiony, and have a good amount of grip. They should have a wide toe box and a stable fastening system to reduce slippage. The fit should be reevaluated at least every two months as kids grow phenomenally fast during this stage.
Developmental Concerns
Talk to a general practitioner if the baby exhibits the following:
Talipes. The foot bends inwards and downwards. A physiotherapist can gently massage it to gain normalcy. Sometimes prescription boots and cast are also required.
Flat Feet. This will not be recognizable until toddlers are 5 to 6 years old. A podiatrist can recommend orthotic inserts to minimize arch pain.
Pigeon-toeing. This condition is characterized by walking with toes prominently pointing in or out. If this does not go away after toddlerhood, then intervention by a doctor will be necessary.
Toe-walking. This is possibly an effect of shortened Achilles tendons. Physical therapy will correct the problem.
Dealing with Foot Issues
Other issues to watch out for are blisters, HFMD (hand, foot and mouth disease), ingrown toenails, Athlete’s foot, and even toenail fungus. For the latter, consult with professionals like Clear Toes Clinic who will be able to advise on properly treating toenail fungus.
For more information about treating taking care of children’s feet, visit this article.