Do You Have These 8 Common Foot Problems?

foot odor treatmentMany common foot problems require some type of foot odor treatment. Thousands of people deal with these conditions, on a daily basis. You’re not alone. What follows is a brief overview of eight conditions that may or may not be the cause of stinky feet.


Bunions affect the big toe. They are a result of the joints in this toe no longer fitting together properly. This causes pain and swelling. Treatment includes everything from wearing bunion pads, to physical therapy, to wearing special shoes. Sometimes, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve swelling. In severe cases, surgery to repair the toe joint may be necessary.

Corns and Calluses

Friction causes corns and calluses. This friction occurs when the bony parts of your feet rub against your footwear. It’s recommended you seek professional treatment for either of these conditions. Attempting to eliminate the problem yourself, can be harmful. This is especially true if you have poor circulation or diabetes. Sometimes, wearing better-fitting shoes solves the issue.

Dry Skin

Dry skin is an extremely common issue that doesn’t discriminate. Anyone can get dry skin. To relieve itching and burning, use mild soap and apply a high-quality lotion to your feet, every day.

Fungal Infection

Fungal infection typically requires foot odor treatment of some kind. Bacteria thrives in dark, moist, places and causes the smell. If your feet sweat, you have a higher chance of getting a fungal infection. If left untreated, it only gets worse.

To prevent infection, keep your feet as clean and dry as possible. Change your socks often and don’t go barefoot in public places such as pools and spas.


When the tendons that control the movement of your toes shorten, you have hammertoe. Toes are usually pulled back, quite possibly affecting your balance. This happens as a result of enlarged toe knuckles.

The best thing you can do, when you’re dealing with this condition, is to wear shoes with ample room for your toes. In some cases, corrective surgery may be necessary.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are generally painful. They are most common on the big toe and occur when the toenail grows into the skin. Simply cutting your toenails straight across and keeping them short helps to eliminate the problem.


If the bones of your feet develop calcium growths, you have spurs. The cause of these growths is muscle strain in the feet. When you’re overweight, stand on your feet for long periods of time or wear tight shoes, spurs can get worse.

Some spurs are painful, others are not. Treatments include wearing heal pads or foot supports. There are times when corrective surgery might be required.


Warts are caused by viruses. It’s recommended that you see a doctor to freeze or burn off warts, which may be painful. Left untreated, it’s very common for warts to spread.

As you can see, most of these common feet-related problems don’t cause a smell. However, foot odor treatment may be necessary in certain situations.

Questions about foot odor or other issues? Please contact us any time.

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