Are you looking for a foot odor treatment, to help keep your feet from sweating? If so, why not consider using antiperspirant? Believe it or not, many individuals find it to be successful.
It’s an affordable product that you already have in your home. You don’t have to special order it or break the bank, to purchase it. Any brand will typically do the trick. However, more expensive brands usually contain a higher concentration of necessary active ingredients.
How Antiperspirants Work to Reduce Sweat
Solid antiperspirants are made up of several ingredients including wax, liquid emollient and an active-ingredient compound. Typically, one of the most popular ingredients in this compound is aluminum chloride.
The ions in the aluminum chloride, or other aluminum-based active-ingredient, go into the cells that are next to the eccrine-gland ducts on the outside layer of skin. Water enters the skin with the ions. When the water enters, skin cells start to swell up. As this happens, the eccrine-gland ducts close so that sweat can’t escape the body.
It’s necessary to reapply antiperspirant, as a result of osmosis. That is to say that each skin cell is only capable of holding a certain amount of water. When the peak amount is reached, the water in the cell begins to go back out and the cell’s level of swelling decreases.
Studies prove that aluminum chloride is one of the best ingredients to prolong swelling of skin cells. In addition, it may have the ability to actually shrink sweat glands.
Foot Odor Treatment and FDA Requirements
If you take the time to compare several over-the-counter antiperspirants, you’ll notice that they all have an active-ingredient level of somewhere between 10 and 25 percent.
The FDA requires that these products contain no more than 15 to 25 percent of active-ingredients. In addition, antiperspirants must decrease the average individual’s body sweat by at least 20 percent.
If your feet sweat profusely, there are prescription antiperspirants that contain higher levels of active ingredients than over-the-counter brands.
For best results, apply antiperspirant once in the morning and once before going to bed.
This is a brief overview of how antiperspirant works to keep your feet from sweating. Before you go out and buy a variety of more expensive remedies, consider trying this method . It’s a basic foot odor treatment, which only takes a minute of your time to apply, that many people swear by.
Questions about foot odor? Please contact us any time.