Five Things That You Can do to Prevent Fungal Nail Infections

Getting rid of toenail fungus infections can be very difficult. In fact, many people have to treat their fungal infection for a year or more before they are able to get rid of it completely. Furthermore, many people suffer from recurring toenail fungus infections.

How to Prevent Fungal Nail Infections

Prevention is always better than cure; therefore, it is best to prevent fungal nail infections from developing in the first place. Below are some tips that will help you prevent fungal nail infections:

Maintain Good Hygiene

Good hygiene will go a long way in preventing toenail fungus.  You should make sure that you clean your feet thoroughly. You also want to make sure that you dry your feet off thoroughly after you get out of the bathtub or shower. Make sure that you get in between your toes when you are drying off your feet.

Avoid Walking Around Barefooted

Toenail fungus can very easily spread from person to person, so you will need to avoid walking around barefooted. This is especially important in public places like swimming pools and locker rooms.

Use Anti-Fungal Powder

Fungus thrives in moist environments, and your shoes and socks create the right type of environment for fungus to thrive. That is why you should put anti-fungal powder in your shoes. Anti-fungal powder works by absorbing moisture, and it also destroys yeast that may be present. There are several over-the-counter products that can be purchased over-the-counter.

Wear Open Shoes as Much as Possible

You have to allow your feet to breathe. That is why you will need to wear opened-toe shoes as much as possible.

Keep Your Nails Trimmed

Your nails should be cut on a regular basis. Make sure that you cut your nails straight across because that will help prevent dirt from accumulating underneath the nail bed. You will also need to make sure you file your toenails.

Again, it is a-lot easier to prevent nail infections than it is to treat them. If you maintain good hygiene, then you will be able to greatly reduce your chances of developing a toenail infection. You should also use anti-fungal powder and wear opened-toe shoes as much as you can. Furthermore, you should keep your nails trimmed and avoid walking around barefooted when you are out in public places.

How We Can Help Treat Nail Fungus

If you are unable to prevent fungal nail infections, then you should contact us. We offer laser treatment, which is a relatively new way to treat nail fungus. It is the best way to treat nail fungus because it does not come with any side effects. It is also painless and extremely effective. The vast majority of patients notice a major difference after they get this treatment.


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