Make Toenails Grow Back Fungus Free

Toenail fungus or onychomycosis is a condition that affects thousands of people in the US. The condition is characterized by brittle and yellow toenails which appear dirty, misshapen and are often a source of embarrassment for most people. Although toenail fungi are largely harmless unless you are someone with a serious case of diabetes, the condition still needs to be treated to avoid complications later on.

There are many forms of treatment for toenail fungus, although conventional treatments are largely unreliable. Oral medications for toenail fungus may also have unpleasant side effects. Fortunately, there are home remedies that have proven to be cheap yet effective solutions for toenail fungus.

Vicks Vaporub

This is a very old trick used by most people to treat insect bites. Who knew that it would make a great toenail fungus treatment too? Vicks Vaporub contains thymol which has strong antiseptic properties. Simply rub a small amount of Vicks onto the nail twice a day. Do this for several days until you start seeing changes in how your nail looks and feels. In some people, the fungus can disappear completely after two months of regular application.

Tea Tree Oil

Apply tea tree oil on the affected toenail twice a day. Tea tree oil also has anti-fungal properties that have proven effective against fungal irritations on the skin. You will need to do regular applications for up to a year to make sure that all traces of the fungus is removed.


A vinegar soak once a week is an effective and cheap treatment. You will need a solution of two parts water and one part vinegar and use this as a soak for 20 minutes a day. The acidity of the vinegar will help kill the fungus without killing the good bacteria that are on your skin.

Keep The Feet Clean And Dry

To keep the fungus from coming back, it is important to keep the feet clean and dry. Use foot powders when the weather is humid and avoid situations where the feet will be exposed to moisture for long periods of time. If the feet get in contact with contaminated water, wash with soap and dry using a towel. An antibacterial or antifungal foot powder will also help keep the feet dry and prevent future fungal or bacterial infections from occurring. Wear shoes or sandals when you are in places where the ground or floor is moist or wet, such as the pool or locker rooms.

Tips to Avoid Infection

Avoid further infection and complications by taking precautions when you clip your toenails. Clip the nails straight across and file thick areas. It is even more important to avoid nicks or scratches on your feet if you are a diabetic or have a suppressed immune system since any opening on the skin can become an entry point for fungi or bacteria.


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