3 Sports Your Kid Should Be Extra Careful Playing

kids sports feet shoesWhen it comes to sports for kids, there are three in particular that your children should be extra careful playing. There’s nothing worse than an unexpected and painful injury, to ruin the fun. Here are three sports that can potentially cause foot injury.


Soccer is a contact sport. No one can be 100 percent protected, when it comes to possible injury. Ankle sprains are the number one soccer-related injury.

However, the gear that your child wears makes a big difference in whether or not he or she comes home unscathed. This gear includes:

  • Shin guards
  • Soccer cleats
  • Mouth guards
  • Soccer socks

In regard to your child shoes, there should be at least 1/2 inch of space between the longest toe and the tip of the shoe for optimal comfort.


Football is another contact sport. It is the leading cause of school-related injuries. Every league is typically different, in regard to the types of shoes and cleats that are required to play.

It is recommended that parents of younger players speak with coach, prior to the first game, to ask about the best type of shoe to purchase.

Other safety equipment required for football includes:

  • Helmet
  • Athletic supporter
  • Shoulder pads
  • Mouth guard
  • Pants with leg pads

Skating and Sports for Kids

In-line skating is very popular, for kids of all ages. It’s important to take the time to find skates that support your child’s ankles and that fit comfortably. Feel the plastic in the boot area. If you can squeeze it, it isn’t strong enough.

Never let your child wear skates with loose wheels. This is a safety hazard, which could cause severe injury.

Additional skating gear includes:

  • Helmet
  • Knee and elbow pads
  • Long pants and long-sleeved shirts ( optional)

It’s also a very good idea to remind your kids about being careful when using public showers and changing rooms. Instructing them to wear flip-flops helps reduce the possibility that they’ll pick up a fungal nail infection and bring it home with them.

If you suspect they may have already done so, don’t hesitate to contact us for answers to your questions. Go one step further by scheduling an in-office consultation. We are ready and waiting to assist you.

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