The Latest and Most Effective Cures for Toenail Fungus

A toenail fungal infection may start out with tiny yellow or white spots under the nail, and your only concern may be about how it appears when you happen to glance at your feet. The truth is that a case of nail fungus may spread quickly, and an untreated case may lead to pain, further infection, and many other physical complications. The good news is that you have many options for treating this condition, and the latest cures for toenail fungus are proving to be beneficial as well.

Treatment Options for Toenail Fungus

As a general rule treatment options may be topical or invasive, but some methods of treatment involve diet and hygiene as well. While a mild case may clear up on its own, the presence of pain usually signals a case that is relatively serious. Some of the most helpful solutions include:

• Oral Medications

• Topical Treatments

• Hygiene Practices

• Dietary Additions

• Laser Treatment

Oral Medications

There are several prescription oral medications that do a good job of inhibiting toenail fungus, but you may want to consider any unwanted side effects that may occur with this treatment option. Topical treatments include solutions such as tree oil, essential oil of peppermint, and oil of chamomile. These oils are massaged into the nail bed and the surrounding skin two times a day, but it may take as long as two to three months before you see any improvement. While waiting for healthy new growth to appear may work in a mild case, this may not be a safe option if the infection is more serious. A prescription antifungal lacquer may be effective, but this alternative may have you waiting a long time before you see any results as well.

Importance of Good Hygiene

You should work to maintain good hygiene while your condition is healing, and keeping your feet dry and clean can help the healing process. Debridement may be helpful, but improperly sanding away thickened portions of dead skin may make things worse. Soaking your feet in preparations containing white vinegar may work, but this may require soaking your feet for as long as twenty minutes and as often as three times each week. Recommended dietary additions often include yogurt, fresh garlic, herbal tea and lemons, but dietary changes alone are unlikely to cure a case of toenail fungus.

Latest Cures for Toenail Fungus

The effectiveness of laser treatment was widely open to debate just a few years ago. Many professionals in the medical community now recognize laser treatment as being the latest and most effective way to cure cases of toenail fungus. These procedures continue to show promise, and many documented studies indicate that an overwhelming majority of patients experience improvement after undergoing laser procedures. Laser treatment shows great promise and success when it comes to combating toenail fungus quickly and preventing recurring infections. For more information on laser treatments for toenail fungus, log on to



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