With summer in full swing it’s time to get your wardrobe ready, and that includes sundresses, shorts, and sandals. Prepare your feet for sandals this season by following these helpful tips.
Treat Your Feet
If you have any issues with toenail fungus or athlete’s foot, now is the time to get things taken care of. Toenail fungus causes a yellow and unsightly discoloration. But, it can be easily treated with laser therapy. It’s a safe and painless treatment that will have lasting results. Athlete’s foot is another issue caused by fungus, marked by itchy, flaky skin. Treatment for athlete’s foot usually involves a powder or cream and letting your feet get lots of air (sandals).
You will also want to exfoliate. Removing all that dead skin from winter socks and slipper wear will leave your feet looking young and new. Soak your feet in a footbath for at least 15 minutes, then give them a good scrub with your favorite abrasive product. Do this twice a week to avoid unsightly calluses and dry skin build up.
Soak Up During Sleep
Moisturize while getting some sleep. Use a hydrating cream and cover up those toes with some comfy socks to seal in the moisture. This is also a great way to rejuvenate tired and sore feet. You can follow this nightly treatment up with a daytime lotion. Preferably something with Shea butter for maximum moisture.
Tend the Cuticles
Cuticle oil isn’t just for fingers. A good oil will help moisturize and heal dry and cracked cuticles. When clipping your toenails, make sure to also manage your cuticles with the handy little attachment. When you prepare feet for sandals the small details can really add to the whole appearance.
Pedicures are a great way to prepare feet for sandals, and also a wonderful way to pamper yourself. Visit your local nail salon up to twice a month to keep your feet in tiptop shape. If you are on a budget, try a local beauty school or a social coupon like Amazon Local or Groupon.
Clip with Care
Make sure you are careful when trimming toenails at home. Don’t cut the nails to short because it is not only painful but can make you prone to infections. Leaving toenails too long can also lead to foot pain and problems when you are wearing shoes. Make sure the nail doesn’t protrude over the toe. Also remember to shape the nail, by clipping along the contour of your toe. This will keep you more comfortable in a pair of shoes or look cleaner in a pair of sandals.
Use these tips and more before you step out this summer. Learn more about how to prepare feet for sandals, and other common foot issues online.